Notre Dame Alphabets and Joyeux Noel

Notre Dame Alphabets and Joyeux Noel

  • $32.00
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By: Mojo Stitches

Model: This stunning French sampler contains some of the most beautiful alphabets I've come across, and can be stitched as a whole, or used for reference to personalize your own stitching. 'Joyeux Noel' was inspired by the antique, showing how you can use elements of the design for smalls.

The antique is pictured on the cover and has a stitch count of 277w x 237h and only uses full crosses over 2. It could be stitched on any warm neutral. It is charted in DMC, with conversions in overdyes, Cottage Garden Threads and silks to be published on Mojo Stitches blog.

The model of 'Joyeux Noel' was stitched 1 over 2 on 36-count Toasted Mallow by Number12StitchCo using Cottage Garden Threads "Bookshelf" Edit - my collaboration with CGT. Colors included: Conservatory, Cloth Bound, Woolf, Gilt, Bronte.

DMC conversion provided;

stitch count 99w x 55h.